OTI FITOFERMENTI 80 caps 140mg For the intestine

Product Sku: 11466

Product information



FITOFERMENTI 80 caps 140mg

NATURAL DIETARY SUPPLEMENT, based fortified carrots with live lactic acid bacteria.


* Streptococcus thermophilus
* Lactococcus lactis
* Lactobacillus acidophilus
* Bifidobacterium
* Lactobacillus bulgaricus
* Estratto liofilizzato di carota

Each capsule contains 50mg of the carrot extract and 50mg lyophilized live lactic acid bacterial enzymes for a total of approximately 1 billion UFC for each capsule.


The product is suitable for recolonization of the intestine after damage caused by wrong eating habits after a gastrointestinal illness, and after taking antibiotics or steroIdon. It is also suitable for people intolerant to lactose or proteins of animal milk.


Not found any


Adults: 2 capsules per day, up to 4 capsules in severe cases.
Infants: 1-2 capsules.
Given before meals.
During the administration of EUBIOS-OTI advised to stop consumption of refined sugar, sweeteners, pork meat, sausages, smoked meat, smoked or preserved fish and large quantities of fiber.


Glass bottle with 80 capsules of 140 mg.

No NOTIFICATION EOF: 49004-17/7/2007

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